Soil Testing 0.1.0
Readily available soil testing
I started a notes section as to not make each individual sections readme larger than it needs to be. I'm going to try to keep these by date so only what is done is covered.
No response from any emails. I did find a few videos explaining, in a bit more detail, how the soil testing process works, what solutions are used and what they test for.
Macronutrients: Phosphorous Calcium Magnesium Potassium
Micronutrients: Copper Zinc Manganese Iron
The model is coming along. It's painful to keep measuring to make sure its accurate. Motor, housing and rollers are done. I still need to add a door for replacing parts and mounting the motor. Other than that, the pump should be ready for print shortly after.
These are now more modular. I still need to add the rest of the INTs for future projects.